Saturday, November 19, 2011

Liberty and Freedom

Coalition to stop Gun Violence vs. Gun Owners of America

The CSGV organisation argues that associations like the NRA argue that possessing a gun ensures their freedom however they argue that by fighting so aggressively for the rights of gun owners in America they destroy the freedom of many others , for example their personal safety is jeopardised by their possession of a gun. The ideology of organisations such as the NRA they refer to as “insurrectionism” meaning they oppose the control of the government. This they argue “degrades” the freedom provided by the government. Around two out of every five of guns sold in America are sold without a background check. This means that no background check is undertaken before allowing someone to acquire a gun including criminals and those already convicted of gun related crime. This surprises me as many unnecessary deaths are caused because of this and effect many lives dramatically. It also becomes very difficult to establish who owns a gun from state to state as state laws on background checks differ greatly. For example only 6 states (CA, CO, IL, NY, OR, RI) require universal background checks which means that people are able to commit crimes outside the USA and still obtain a gun within America resulting in major consequences in many cases.

The GOA again start with the main issue of maintaining their freedom and relates heavily back to the Second Amendment. Their arguments in favour of gun ownership always seem to stem from anti-government ideas, they firstly say on the issue of background checks that people are made to “prove their innocence” to the government therefore giving unnecessary power to the government. This however I would have to disagree with as there are many situations where innocent people are made to prove their innocence for example airport security this is just the society we live in today. They state that many honest citizens have had their licenses denied or revoked due to their political beliefs, if someone to seen to have views that relate to anti-government issues then they are unable to obtain a licence.

I believe that the most convincing is the Coalition to stop gun violence as they create an idea of a very dangerous and unstable society where many avoidable deaths are caused every year due to gun possession. The issues stated by both these websites lie in the fact of government opinion. The GOA website establishes most of its arguments on the government and the need for freedom this creates to me a bitter and unstable argument. It is difficult to have guns legalised without the issue of criminal and illegal actions surrounding it. The facts are clear when you look at the amount of gun related not only crimes but massacres occurring in America.

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